Recommended suppliers & discounts
We’ve partnered with some of the most renowned suppliers and service providers in the wellness sector to secure exclusive discount codes and offers. These deals have been handpicked to provide you with significant savings on a wide range of products and services that can enhance your academy, elevate your services, and contribute to your growth.
These discount codes and offers are available exclusively to IATS members.
You can also benefit from discounted insurance for your business, students and alumni. You’ll find all the detail on our insurance page, here.
Yoga Studio Store
Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Poole, Dorset, Yoga Studio Store is one of the first specialised multi-branded ethical online yoga retailers, offering a broad range of yoga brands and yoga-inspired products to all levels of yogis.
Use code IATS10 for a 10% discount on their website:
TOTUM Professionals
As a member of IATS, you are entitled to TOTUM Professionals membership, which gives you access to discounts, deals and offers on big-name brands both online and in store, giving you big savings on eating out, tech, fashion, travel, and much more.
Click the logo to find out how to apply.
The list of offers is growing all the time, so do check back from time to time to see what’s new!